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Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Cantikkan My Blog

Step 1 : Tukar theme 

Step 2: Buat edit baru untuk banner
Mula-mula ingatkan nak buat background transparent tapi blogger tak terima. Jadi hitam.

Then buat color biru sbb them yang pilih tadi background dia blue sky, ground and dandelions.

Pastu edit nama and letak dandelion. Tapi bila apply kt blog nmpk x cantik sbb somehow banner yang aku edit tu salah size so dia x memanjang sepanjang blog and also colour biru template ngan biru aku tak sama. 
Aku godek2 lagi sana sini, baru tahu background theme tu bleh tukar. So aku amik gambar aku yang just biru kosong tu then adjust2 skit kedudukan dia then banner aku apply sama mcm yang atas but just without the dandelions. Pastu bila apply nmpk smooth je color sbb aku dh samakan warna background ngn warna banner

Step 3 : Done. eheheheh

And i also godek2 the font and color for the posts. Font nama Indie Flower. Cute kan? >.<
Cuma ada 1 je yang aku x puas hati. Warna tajuk post tu. Gelap sgt merah dia. Nak ubah yang tu kene edit kat coding. Aku risau bab2 nak edit coding. Buatnya silap, habis blog aku =.=
Takpe ah.. ni kira dah cantik dh ni an... boleh la 💖

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Memories That I Randomly Remember (1)

13/3/22, 6.40pm

Was listening to Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin while doing my assignments. And the song made me remember one of those days during my internship at KPJ. 

Masa tu ada celebration Raya. Me being the only girl in the maintenance section, (other than this 1 akak but she's in charge of the data and complaints and stuff so she doesn't work around tools or sites that much,  I think), so keliru. Nak pakai baju kurung ke seluar cam biasa. Akak tu cakap pakai je baju kurung and I did. 

And now here I am, 4 years later, wondering how that day went. Ahahahh.. ye lah.. buat maintenance while wearing baju kurung. I mean, I know kerja aku takdelah lasak pun. Aku banyak follow and dengar je apa diorg buat but still I do have my days where I actually work. Hmmm...   I guessing that day tak banyak kerja. Since hospital tengah sambut Raya kat cafeteria. So, I'm assuming aku x banyak gerak pun on that day.

And suddenly aku baru teringat aku ada buku log. Boleh je aku check balik kan? But then again, I dont know the exact date. Plus, even if i do, would I have actually wrote down yang the hospital tengah sambut Raya???? Heeehhhhh....